Saturday, December 31, 2016

Mighty’s Secrets to Success

Each one of us has different secrets in order to achieve success. Mighty Corp. is here to share theirs.
Being an underdog for many years, the oldest Filipino-owned cigarette manufacturer slowly emerged from the bottom of the industry and became one of the biggest players in the tobacco industry today.
According to the president of Mighty Corp. there are a couple of traits that each person should have in order to achieve success.

One should learn how to anticipate future trends and adjust, persevere, decide succession based on meritocracy, work hard, innovate, focus, preserve harmony, have faith, maintain people, believe in filial piety, believe in philanthropy, show humility, be loyal, and believe in destiny.

Working on these traits will help you improve your physical, mental, and emotional state. These will help shape you as a whole and improve your personality overall.

These traits will help you develop a proper mindset that can withstand problems that you are going to face. These will teach you to work hard, persevere, and focus, which are the fundamentals of a successful mindset.

Having a proper mindset will help you focus on your goal and help you to continuously improve yourself.

However, a successful man is not only about being successful in the field of business, but it’s also establishing a healthy relationship with the people around you.

These traits will help you improve your attitude towards every situation and every person you encounter.

Showing the proper attitude towards everything will not only help you ease your stress, but will also make people comfortable with you, making the work place a healthy environment to work on.

Improving one’s mindset and attitude are the first steps towards success. Once you master these traits, you will be successful in whatever you do.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Mighty Corp Secrets to Success

Mighty Corp. shares their secrets to achieve success.

Having struggled as an underdog for years, the oldest Filipino-owned cigarette manufacturer slowly emerged from the bottom and grew to be one of the most formidable companies in the tobacco industry today.

Behind their success, there are secrets, tips, and practices that they use in order to achieve their goals and maintain their success.

According to the president of Mighty Corp., in order to achieve success, there are some characteristics and qualities one should have. These traits are generally divided into 2; the mindset and the attitude.

One seeking to achieve success should be mentally ready to face all the problems and handle all the stress the company is going to face. In order to get the perfect mindset, he must learn how to anticipate future trends and adjust, persevere, decide succession based on meritocracy, work hard, innovate, and focus.

Improving these traits will help you improve your mindset and help you prepare on every challenge you are going to face. These will help you push yourself to the limit and continuously improve yourself. These will also make you make right decisions and adjust to every event that might happen.

But it’s not all about the proper mentality.

One seeking to be successful should also seek to have the attitude of a successful man.

In order to improve your attitude, you must preserve harmony, have faith, maintain people, believe in filial piety, believe in philanthropy, show humility, be loyal, and believe in destiny.

Though some of these are strictly for certain beliefs, most of these qualities will shape your attitude and make you humble at all times.  The reason to improve these traits is not to seek success, but to show the right attitude whether you are successful or not.

Developing the right attitude will help you grow as a person and find happiness in what you have.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Mighty Corp. Reveal Secrets to Success

Mighty Corp., one of the biggest cigarette manufacturers today, shares the secrets behind their success.

The oldest Filipino-owned cigarette manufacturer was only an underdog in the field of tobacco manufacturing before. But with determination and hard work, the company grew into one of the biggest names in the industry today, holding a significant part of the market share.

So how did they get this far? Mighty Corp. shares tips and secrets in order to achieve success.

You need to:

Anticipate future trends and adjust.  Most people fail to adapt to present trends and also fail to anticipate future trends, leading them to failure.
According to the president of Mighty Corp., he was just an assistant sales manager of their company from 1983 to 1985 when he noticed the changing fashion in local smoking, and saw how the then-new tax system was killing the native cigarette segment. So they developed Virginia-tobacco type cigarettes in 1985. They also changed their branding to Mighty to go with the change.
Preserve harmony. Preserving harmony within the business, especially in a family business, will help you have a peaceful environment, helping you focus on more important issues.
“If you have family harmony and you can work well together with family members and other people.”
Decide succession based on meritocracy.  The president of Mighty Corp. explained that choosing the successor of one’s company, as well as executives and managers, is an important step to make your company grow. He said that choosing these should be based on merit and who’s the most qualified.
Persevere.  “There should be a high degree of patience and perseverance. It is like courting a girl, a lot of patience is required,” the president said.
He described how Mighty Corp. struggled for decades under the pile, but perseverance helped the company climb to the top.
Have faith.  The president of Mighty Corp. believes that faith is a factor in maintaining peace within your family and company, helping you make the right decisions.
"Faith is important to business or the profession, because faith gives you spiritual development and direction. Meaning, faith keeps you cool all the time, whatever happens to our business, profession or life.”
Maintain people. Taking care of your people strengthens the teamwork within the company, helping it grow and face problems with ease.
Believe in filial piety.  The company believes in total obedience to parents and family elders. According to the president, their 87-year-old mother is the guiding force behind Mighty Corp. today.
Work Hard. Hard work has no substitute. According to the president, he and his siblings go beyond work hours, even working on Saturdays and Sundays.
Innovate.  Mighty Corp. has always been innovative. From producing modern-style cigarettes to modernizing manufacturing equipment to improve quality and increase yield of production.
Believe in philanthropy.  Mighty Corp. believes in giving back to the people. Since their patriarch did not get the chance to finish high school or college, to honor his memory, their foundations support educational scholarships for three sets of beneficiaries: the kids of company employees, the kids of non-employees who are deserving students and need help, and also for children of rural tobacco farmers who want to study agriculture in college.
Show humility.  A successful man is a humble man.
“There should be an element of self-denial,” he said.
Focus. The president believes in focusing on your goals, especially on the importance of “concentrating on your core business.”
Be loyal. Loyalty to your family will maintain the peace within your family and business, helping you make the right decisions.
“Having only one family is crucial for genuine success, because if one has too many families, that is a sure recipe for chaos and for nonstop family quarrels," the president said.
Believe in destiny. The president gives his take on “destiny.”

“Destiny is key to success, just like in the Bible. When God called Jeremiah to become a prophet, he said ‘No, I’m a shy person.’ But God said to him, ‘Before you were born, you were already destined to become a prophet.’ It became true, Jeremiah became a good prophet, naging madaldal (he became eloquent). Read the Bible, Jeremiah Chapter 1:4.”

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Mighty Corp. Spills Secrets towards Achieving Success

Mighty Corp. has been one of the biggest players in the tobacco industry for some time now.
Starting from the bottom of the pile, the oldest Filipino-owned cigarette manufacturer managed to climb out of the pit and evolve into one of the biggest companies in the field of tobacco making.
So what’s the secret behind their success? Mighty Corp. shares their top tips in order to be successful.
Anticipate future trends and adjust.  Mighty Corp. is good at adjusting to present trends and future events. This has been one of the company’s strengths, and where most people failed at.
According to Mighty Corp.’s president, he was just an assistant sales manager of their company from 1983 to 1985 when he noticed the changing fashion in local smoking, and saw how the then-new tax system was killing the native cigarette segment. So they developed Virginia-tobacco type cigarettes in 1985. They also renamed their branding to “Mighty” to signal the birth of a stronger company.
Preservation is basically harmony. According to the president, maintaining harmony and peace within the family is the key to success in a business.
“If you have family harmony and you can work well together with family members and other people.”
Succession should be based on meritocracy.   The company believes that choosing the rightful successor should be the one who is most qualified. Even the choosing of executives and managers should be based on merit.
Perseverance.  According to the president, maintaining a perseverance is a way to be successful and stay successful.
 “There should be a high degree of patience and perseverance. It is like courting a girl, a lot of patience is required,” he said.
He used Mighty Corp. as an example. He described how it struggled for decades with only a minimal part on the market share, but with perseverance and continuous hard work, the company grew into one of the most successful companies in the tobacco industry today.
Faith. Mighty Corp. believes that faith keeps the peace and harmony within the company, leading it to a clearer path.
"Faith is important to business or the profession, because faith gives you spiritual development and direction. Meaning, faith keeps you cool all the time, whatever happens to our business, profession or life.”
People. According to the president, taking care of your people is one way to make your company grow into a successful business firm.  It strengthens teamwork within the company, making it easier to attain success.
Filial piety. The company believes in filial piety, which is total obedience to parents and family elders.
After the company’s founder, the one that has guided the company for years now is their 87-year-old
Hard work. There is no substitute for hard work. According to the president, he and his siblings go beyond work hours, even working on Saturdays and Sundays.
Innovation. Mighty Corp. embraced innovation. They innovated their products and practices from developing modern-style cigarettesto modernizing their manufacturing equipment to improve quality and increase yield of production.
Philanthropy. Mighty Corp. believes in giving back to the people. Since their patriarch did not get the chance to finish high school or college, the company’s foundations supports educational scholarships for three sets of beneficiaries: the kids of company employees, the kids of non-employees who are deserving students and need help, and also for children of rural tobacco farmers who want to study agriculture in college.
Humility. “There should be an element of self-denial,” the president said.
He believes that one needs humility in order to achieve true success.
Focus. The president of Mighty Corp. firmly believes in the power of focus and the importance of “concentrating on your core business.”
Have only one family.  The president said that being loyal to your family is a great factor in order to achieve success. Being faithful to your spouse and family keeps the peace within the family, allowing you to focus on more important matters.
“Having only one family is crucial for genuine success, because if one has too many families, that is a sure recipe for chaos and for nonstop family quarrels," he said.

Destiny. . When asked about "destiny," the president explained, “Destiny is key to success, just like in the Bible. When God called Jeremiah to become a prophet, he said ‘No, I’m a shy person.’ But God said to him, ‘Before you were born, you were already destined to become a prophet.’ It became true, Jeremiah became a good prophet, naging madaldal (he became eloquent). Read the Bible, Jeremiah Chapter 1:4.”

Friday, December 16, 2016

Mighty Corp. Trains Under American Expert

Local tobacco manufacturer Mighty Corp. has completed a  proficiency-training seminar conducted by American experts on tobacco leaf utilization, leaf chemistry and leaf purchases.
According to the president of Mighty Corp., learning and understanding leaf tobacco grading standards develops a foundation for learning and admiring the characteristics and qualities of tobacco in the Philippines.
“More specifically,” he said, “the seminars helped those directly involved in tobacco manufacturing gain a better understanding of the unique characteristics of each US tobacco grade and which grades are more suitable for specific blend needs.”    
Aside from the MC participants, the others came from the National Tobacco Administration, Universal Leaf Philippines, Trans-Manila Inc., Continental Leaf, Prudence and WCD.
At the end of the training course, each participant received a certification from USDA for completing the program.

Overall, the tobacco grading seminar has successfully served its purpose, providing participants with a deeper and a more extensive knowledge on the different sectors of the tobacco industry.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Mighty Corp.'s Outreach Programs for Local Tobacco Farmers

Mighty Corp. signs an agreement to pave way for outreach programs for tobacco farmers up norths.
MIghty Corp. signed an agreement with National Federation of Tobacco Growers’ Association and Cooperatives (NAFTAC) to develop joint projects that will uplift the lives of local tobacco farmers under the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program.
The cigarette manufacturer has already delivered diesel-fed water pumps and power tillers to various farm groups in the provinces of Abra, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union, Pangasinan, Isabela and Cagayan.
In addition,  under the National Tobacco administration’s three year-old scholarship program, the company will also sponsor the college education of fresh high school graduates who are the children of tobacco farmers.
According to the NTA Administrator, other companies also have their own CSR projects for the local tobacco farmers.
“The more players dealing directly with the farmers, the better and merrier,” he said.
“This should encourage other industry players to do the same to help the tobacco farmers and their familes,” he added.

Mighty Corp. earlier announced that it will buy a big part of their tobacco directly from the farmers. They said that they will also take in all the tobacco leaves other cigarette manufacturers could not soak.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Mighty Corp. Willing to Reveal Trade Secrets

Local cigarette manufacturer Mighty Corp. states that they are willing to reveal their secret on how they captured a large share of the low-end cigarette market if their foreign competitors stops bullying them and monopolizing the market.
“We’ve eaten their market because their people have not been working and that their down-the-line distribution is gone,” said the president of Mighty Corp.
“Gone is the key word,” he said, “because while MC anticipated the possible effects of the Sin Tax Law and drew up its own strategy, its giant competitor relied mostly on its traditional marketing style of pushing premium and sub-premium brands and invariably neglected equally promoting its joint-venture partner Fortune Tobacco’s six different brands of P1 per stick cigarettes and, thus, many of its country-wide network also switched, largely for economic reason, to MC’s sales force which continued to expand.”
“You see it’s not only consumers shifting from premium and sub-premium brands which PMFTC dominated for many years but also some of their salesmen and other cigarette vendors to MC network now selling our products which admittedly are more tasty, smooth and aromatic,” the MC executive said, adding that in addition “we have an efficient workforce, no foreign obligations and most of all the ability to apply the knowledge and wisdom of comparative and managerial economics.”
“Not really so much on knowledge though because it’s practically unlimited. What is important is wisdom because it gives you the ability to perceive what is important and what is not in the crucial three stages of business operations which are sourcing of cheap but quality raw materials, manufacturing and marketing of products,” he said
The company's excise tax payments to the government has significantly increased in just a year oppose to their competitors which maintained a small increase in tax ever since the implementation of the Sin Tax Law.
In addition, Mighty Corps.'s market share also increased in line with the implementation of the Sin Tax Law.

“We are happy with the result of our intelligence research and business war-games which we had at the advent of the Sin Tax Law,” he said, adding that: “we had anticipated the advantages of the tax measure, prognosticating at the same that there was going to be a major shift in the smoking preferences of the majority of the Filipino consumers, either migrate to low-cost brand or entirely quit the vice or reduce the frequency of smoking for economic and health reasons.”

Sunday, December 4, 2016

MIghty Corp. Explains How They Maintain Low-priced Cigarettes

Local cigarette manufacturer Mighty Corp. assures the community and its consumers that their company has maintained a fair business strategy throught the years.
According to the president of Mighty Corp., the company does not remit any royalty to any foreign headquarters and does not maintain any high-salaried consultants. This is one of the reasons why they can distribute their cigarettes in such an affordable price.
Mighty Corp. is the only company in the country which is Filipino-owned. Unlike other companies who are burdened by high operational expenses, the company maintained a low cost in their operations in order to distribute their products in an affordable price.
 “It was not hard for Mighty Corporation to solidify its base, enhance its core competencies and work out on its forecasts the migration of a big chunk of smokers who were faced with three choices: quit smoking, smoke less frequently or look for low-priced alternatives,” said the president of Mighty Corp.

“Mighty Corporation’s margin of profit is certainly different from that of the competition. This is so, because being a local brand, the company does not pay royalties abroad, it had no foreign consultants and it is purely Filipino,” he added. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mighty Corp. Increases Tobacco Purchase from Farmers Up North

Local cigarette manufacturer Mighty Corp. vows to increase their tobacco purchase and help increase the production of local farmers from up north.
According to the president of Mighty Corp., the company's domestic market share has significantly increased throughout the years.
Now, the company wants to return the favor, aiming to help increase the production and income of local farmers.
“We have earned our fair share of the market by making affordable cigarettes sold to the mass market. We’re proud of our modest success coming from a home-grown and Filipino-owned cigarette company,” the president said
“With a bigger share of Mighty Corp. in the market today, we are giving the tobacco farmers a fair share of our success by offering competitive prices to their crops.”, he added.
“Last year, we have bought even the low-priced tobacco leaves. Had Mighty Corp. not done that, it would have created a problem for tobacco farmers,” he claimed.
“We are happy to offer better prices to tobacco farmers and are willing to tie-up with the Department of Agriculture and the National Tobacco Administration to cement our partnership with the farmers.”
He claims that aside from helping millions of farmers all over the country, the company also helps the country grow through its taxes.
“Our contribution is in the form of taxes, which helps in the development of the country. We also employed more factory workers. Now, we have more than 2,000,” he said.

“As far as CSR is concerned, we will have irrigation pumps in their area and provide mini tractors. This will come in the form of grant. We will have scholarship grants,” he said.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Mighty Corp. Helps Local Farmers Increase Income

Going back to its fundamentals, Mighty Corp. has launched projects aimed to boost the income of millions of farmers dependent on the tobacco industry.
“We have earned our fair share of the market by making affordable cigarettes sold to the mass market. We’re proud of our modest success coming from a home-grown company,” said the president of Mighty Corp.
It is reported that the company's domestic market share has significantly increased over the past years and, as a way to show gratitude, the cigarette manufacturer is willing to offer competitive prices for the local farmers'  crops and by buying  a larger share of their low-grade leaves at good prices.
According to the president, in addition to easing the lives of many local farmers, the company's projects also aim help the country grow, employing a significant amount of factory workers and paying large amount of taxes for the country to use.

The company will continue to expand its Corporate Social Responsibility projects to aid cooperatives in their production.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Mighty Corp. Learns Under American Tobacco Expert

Local tobacco manufacturer Mighty Corp. has completed a proficiency-training seminar conducted by American experts on tobacco leaf utilization, leaf chemistry and leaf purchases.
Jointly conducted by Mighty Corp. and American Tobacco Associates Inc., the seminar trained the participants on the US Leaf Standards Grading System for both Burley and flue-cured tobacco developed by the US tobacco industry in the early 1900s.
According to the president of Mighty Corp., understanding leaf tobacco grading standards helps the people understand  tobacco qualities and characteristics in the Philippines.
“More specifically,” he said, “the seminars helped those directly involved in tobacco manufacturing gain a better understanding of the unique characteristics of each US tobacco grade and which grades are more suitable for specific blend needs.”    
MC provided all the necessary on-site assistance and essentials whilethe TA group supplied all tobacco samples and training materials.
The seminar also saw participants from he National Tobacco Administration, Universal Leaf Philippines, Trans-Manila Inc., Continental Leaf, Prudence and WCD.
The seminar covered Burley tobacco grades and characteristics in the first two days, and  flue-cured the remaining days.
At the end of the training course, each participant received a certification from USDA for completing the program.

In conclusion, the seminar provided vast knowledge for all the participants, helping them form a foundation in learning and being proficient in the field of tobacco.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Mighty Corp.'s Pricing Edge over Competitors

Mighty Corp. assures business community, supporters, and consumers that they maintained a fair fight throughout the years.
Mighty Corp. Executive Vice President explained that MC, having started since the early years of the tobacc industry, does not remit any kind of royalty to any foreign headquarters. He also claimed that the company does not maintain any high-salaried consultants, resulting in the production of very affordable products.
Asides from being Filipino-owned, Mighty Corp. keeps their operational costs low to keep their prices low, unlike competitors who are burdened with costly production.
 “It was not hard for Mighty Corporation to solidify its base, enhance its core competencies and work out on its forecasts the migration of a big chunk of smokers who were faced with three choices: quit smoking, smoke less frequently or look for low-priced alternatives,” the President of Mighty Corp. said.

Mighty Corp. is able to distribute one of the lowest-priced cigarettes today. Their president also said that, “Mighty Corporation’s margin of profit is certainly different from that of the competition. This is so, because being a local brand, the company does not pay royalties abroad, it had no foreign consultants and it is purely Filipino.”

Friday, November 18, 2016

Mighty Corp.'s Conditions for their Trade Secrets

Local cigarette manufacturer Mighty Corp. is willing to reveal their trade secrets on how it captured a large portion of the low-end cigarette market, so long as foreign competitors stop bullying them and monopolizing the market.
“We’ve eaten their market because their people have not been working and that their down-the-line distribution is gone,” said the president of Mighty Corp.
“Gone is the key word,” he said, “because while MC anticipated the possible effects of the Sin Tax Law and drew up its own strategy, its giant competitor relied mostly on its traditional marketing style of pushing premium and sub-premium brands and invariably neglected equally promoting its joint-venture partner Fortune Tobacco’s six different brands of P1 per stick cigarettes and, thus, many of its country-wide network also switched, largely for economic reason, to MC’s sales force which continued to expand.”
“You see it’s not only consumers shifting from premium and sub-premium brands which PMFTC dominated for many years but also some of their salesmen and other cigarette vendors to MC network now selling our products which admittedly are more tasty, smooth and aromatic,” the MC executive said, adding that in addition “we have an efficient workforce, no foreign obligations and most of all the ability to apply the knowledge and wisdom of comparative and managerial economics.”
“Not really so much on knowledge though because it’s practically unlimited. What is important is wisdom because it gives you the ability to perceive what is important and what is not in the crucial three stages of business operations which are sourcing of cheap but quality raw materials, manufacturing and marketing of products,” he said.
Oppose to their competitors, Mighty Corp.'s excise tax greatly increased since the implementation of the Sin Tax Law, greatly benefitting the economy.
MC's market share also received a significant increase since the implementation of the law.

“We are happy with the result of our intelligence research and business war-games which we had at the advent of the Sin Tax Law,” he said, adding that: “we had anticipated the advantages of the tax measure, prognosticating at the same that there was going to be a major shift in the smoking preferences of the majority of the Filipino consumers, either migrate to low-cost brand or entirely quit the vice or reduce the frequency of smoking for economic and health reasons.”

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Mighty Corp. Pursues Outreach Projects for Tobacco Farmers

Mighty Corp. and National Federation of Tobacco Growers’ Association and Cooperatives (NAFTAC) plans to jointly pursue outreach projects that wil uplift the lives of tobacco farmers up north.
As a result of their agreement, the local cigarette manufacturer distributed water pumps and power tillers to different farm groups from different provinces up north.
The company also said that they will sponsor the college education of new high school graduates who are children of tobacco farmers under the National Tobacco administration’s three year-old scholarship program.
Finally, the company will also support the National Tobacco Administration's annual search for the best tobacco farmers nationwide.
The administrator said that the company's CSR projects, as well as projects of other tobacco companies, will greatly uplift the lives of tobacco farmers from all over the country.
“The more players dealing directly with the farmers, the better and merrier,” he said.
“This should encourage other industry players to do the same to help the tobacco farmers and their familes,” he added.

In addition to their current projects, Mighty Corp. also increased their tobacco purchase from various tobacco farmers nationwide. They also absorbed tobacco leaves other companies didn't take and bought low-grade crops at very good prices. All of these to ease lives of tobacco farmers nationwide.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Mighty Corp. Aids Farmers Up North

Local cigarette manufacturer Mighty Corp. vows on increasing their tobacco purchase and helping millions of tobacco farmers  up north increase their yield.
According to the president of Mighty Corp., the company's market share signifcantly increased during the past years. In return, the company aims to aid farmers whose lives are dependent on the tobacco industry increase their income.
“We have earned our fair share of the market by making affordable cigarettes sold to the mass market. We’re proud of our modest success coming from a home-grown and Filipino-owned cigarette company,” he said.
“With a bigger share of Mighty Corp. in the market today, we are giving the tobacco farmers a fair share of our success by offering competitive prices to their crops,” he added.
“Last year, we have bought even the low-priced tobacco leaves. Had Mighty Corp. not done that, it would have created a problem for tobacco farmers.”
“We are happy to offer better prices to tobacco farmers and are willing to tie-up with the Department of Agriculture and the National Tobacco Administration to cement our partnership with the farmers.”
The president also explained that asides from helping millions of tobacco farmers nationwide, the company also helps the country's economy grow in the form of taxes.
“Our contribution is in the form of taxes, which helps in the development of the country. We also employed more factory workers. Now, we have more than 2,000,” he said.

“As far as CSR is concerned, we will have irrigation pumps in their area and provide mini tractors. This will come in the form of grant. We will have scholarship grants.” 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Mighty Corp. Helps Farmers Increase Their Income

Staying loyal to their roots, Mighty Corp. pushes its original mission of helping millions of farmers who are dependent on the tobacco industry with their latest projects that are aimed to boost their income potential.
“We have earned our fair share of the market by making affordable cigarettes sold to the mass market. We’re proud of our modest success coming from a home-grown company,” said the president of Mighty Corp., touching on the steady increase of the company's market share during the past years.
In return, Mighty Corp. shares their success with the local farmers by offering competitive prices for their crops and buying their low-grade crops at very good prices.
According to the president of Mighty Corp., asides from the benefits the farmers receive because of their growth, the country's economy also grows due to the company employing a large number of factory workers as well as paying taxes from their sales.

Mighty Corp. will continue to expand their Corporate Social Responsibility to aid more cooperatives in their production.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Mighty Corp. Renovates Roofs and Ceilings of Historic Churches

Mighty Corp., the oldest Filipino-owned cigarette manufacturer, aids in the reconstruction of various historic churches in South Luzon.
The company focused on the renovation of roofs and ceilings of the churches that were heavily damaged during to earthquake back in 2013.
These churches include as Diocesan Shrine of Immaculate Conception Church in Naic, Cavite and the Basilica Minore of Our Lady of Piat Church in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.
“Churches are also symbols of strength and hope for Filipinos. To see a church survive earthquakes and other calamities can easily uplift the spirits of our people,” said the foundation's General Manager.
“The devastation brought about by the recent Visayas earthquake has firmed up our advocacy to build more churches and strengthen the Filipino faith.”
“However, we also understand that this is not enough. We have to make sure that the design and structure of these buildings, particularly the old and existing ones, are safe and resistant to calamities such as earthquakes,”He added.
The company also implemented various Corporate Social Responsibility projects in North Luzon to uplift the lives of millions of farmers relying on the tobacco industry.

Mighty aims to uplift the country tobacco industry while also helping the economy grow.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Mighty Corp. Implements CSR Projects Nationwide

Mighty Corp. shows its support for the country by developing Corporate Social Responsibility designed to uplift the tobacco industry while also helping the country's economy grow.
In their recent expansion due to the implementation of the Sin Tax Law, the company aims to help the tobacco industry and the country as well.
In their visit to the North and South of Luzon, the company implemented various CSR projects that will help the residents of those areas.
CSR Projects implemented nationwide:
·         Distribution of equipment to local tobacco farms - Mighty distributed equipments such as hand tractors and irrigation pumps to farmers in order to increase their efficiency.
·         Urges the use of organic pesticides - Mighty supports the use of organic based pesticides. According to them, the use of these pesticides will not only help the environment but will also help the local tobacco farmers increase their income.
·         Donated tobacco dust to fish pond owners -  Mighty donated tobacco dust, an efficient pond conditioner, to the local owners of fish ponds. This will help control the population of predators and pest lingering around local fish ponds.
·         Scholarship grants for children of tobacco farmers - Honoring the memory of their patriarch, Mighty's foundation granted scholarships for three sets of beneficiaries: the kids of company employees, the kids of non-employees who are deserving students and need help, and also for children of rural tobacco farmers who want to study agriculture in college.
·         Increased tobacco purchase - Mighty substantially increased their purchase of tobacco from local farmers nationwide. Accordin to the company, this will help the local farmers increase their income while also aiding Mighty in the tobacco industry.
·         Assisting in renovation of historic churches - Mighty also assisted in the reconstruction of historic churches from different provinces in Luzon. These churches was heavily damaged due the earthquake that happened in 2013.

Mighty will continue to expand their CSR projects. Aiming to help millions of other people in the country, the company will continue developing various programs and projects that will help the country grow.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Mighty Corp. aids Southern Luzon through its CSR projects

In their visit to the south, Mighty aided in the renovation of historic churches that were heavily damaged during the 2013 earthquake.
These churches include the Diocesan Shrine of Immaculate Conception Church in Naic, Cavite and the Basilica Minore of Our Lady of Piat Church in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.
The company's foundation will take care of the churches' roofs and ceilings.
“Churches are also symbols of strength and hope for Filipinos. To see a church survive earthquakes and other calamities can easily uplift the spirits of our people,” said the foundation's General Manager.
“The devastation brought about by the recent Visayas earthquake has firmed up our advocacy to build more churches and strengthen the Filipino faith.”
“However, we also understand that this is not enough. We have to make sure that the design and structure of these buildings, particularly the old and existing ones, are safe and resistant to calamities such as earthquakes,”He added.

Mighty looks to help more people through is CSR projects. Hoping to raise the tobacco industry while also helping the economy grow, the company is finding various ways to help the country grow.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Mighty Corp Channels CSR Projects to North Luzon

Mighty Corp. shows its support for the local farmers up north.
In line with their recent expansion, Mighty developed various Corporate Social Responsibility projects to aid millions of people nationwide.
The company also hopes that the implementation of these projects will help the economy and the country grow.
CSR projects that were implemented in North Luzon:
1.       Increased tobacco purchase - Mighty Corp. substantially increased their tobacco purchase in order to raise the income of local farmers significantly. This will also help Mighty compete in the tobacco industry on an equal playing field.
2.       Supports the use of organic Pesticides - Mighty claimed that this move will help reduce the reliance of millions of local farmers on the use of chemical-based pesticides. Mighty said that this will not only help the environment, but will also help the farmers increase their income.
3.       Scholarship Grants for the farmers' children - Honoring their patriarch's memory, Mighty's foundation granted scholarships and educational assistance to children of local tobacco farmers.
4.       Provided tobacco dust to Fish Pond owners - Mighty also helped local fish pond owners fight predators that infest their ponds. The company provided them with tobacco dust, a fish pond conditioner, to help decrease the number of predators in their ponds.

5.       Absorbed Low-grade leaves - Mighty also purchased low-grade leaves from local farmers at very good prices. This helped the local farmers increase their income while also assuring them that their crops have a place on the local market.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Mighty Commended for its CSR projects

Mighty Corp. has been recognized for its continuous support for the local tobacco industry and prioritizing apostolic works in its Corporate Social Responsibility projects.
“The parents of these students are low-income farmers producing only for local consumption,” the bishop said. “So you can imagine the positive impact this kind of support has for them.” according to the bishop who commended Mighty Corp.
“I’m quite happy about all these projects. It’s a big lift for our farmers, not only in La Union but also the whole of Northern Luzon,” He said.
“This is something very beautiful as the hand tractors and water pumps encourage our farmers to use modern methods of agriculture,” he added.
In line with their recent expansion, Mighty developed various CSR projects to help uplift the lives of millions of farmers nationwide.
·         Increased purchase in tobacco - Mighty increased their tobacco purchase from local farmers nationwide after their recent expansion due to the implementation Sin Tax Law. This increased the income of millions of local farmers and helped Mighty compete in the local market on an equal playing field.
·         Granting scholarships to children of tobacco farmers - Mighty reached out to the children of local tobacco farmers. In honor of their patriarch, the company's foundation grants educational scholarships for three sets of beneficiaries: the kids of company employees, the kids of non-employees who are deserving students and need help, and also for children of rural tobacco farmers who want to study agriculture in college.
·         Encouraging the use of Organic-based pesticides - Mighty encourages local farmers to start using organic pesticides. This will not only help the environment, but will also help local farmers increase their income.
                According to Mighty, more and more farmers are shifting towards the use of organic      pesticides.
·         Donating equipments to local farmers - The company always reaches out to tobacco farmers in need. The company always strive to provide local farmers the equipment they need to be efficient. Distributing equipments like hand tractors and irrigation pumps to farmers, Mighty hopes to raise the tobacco industry through efficiency.

·         Assisting in the construction various churches - Mighty also assists in renovation projects of various churches nationwide. Their foundation even went as for as to conducting renovation projects of churches themselves.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Mighty Aids North Luzon through Various CSR Projects

Mighty helps uplift the livelihood of milllions of farmers in North Luzon.
The company developed different Corporate Social Responsibility projects that will help the lives of tobacco farmers in North Luzon.
Projects implemented in North Luzon:
·         Increasing Tobacco Purchase from local tobacco farmers - In line with their recent expansion due to the implementation of the Sin Tax Law, Mighty substantially increaed their tobacco purchase from farmers in North Luzon. This move will help tobacco farmers increase their income while also giving Mighty a chance to compete in the tobacco industry on equal footing.
·         Granting Scholarships to children of local tobacco farmers - In honor of their patriarch who did not get the chance to finish high school or college, Mighty's foundation is granting scholorship grants and education assistance to children of tobacco farmers in North Luzon.
·         Purchasing low-grade leaves at reasonable prices - As a way to aid tobacco farmers in North Luzon, Mighty absorbed the farmer's low-grade tobacco leaves and purchased them at very good prices, helping them increase their income.
·         Urging the use of Organic-based pesticides - Mighty encourages the use of Organic-based pesticides instead of relying on chemical pesticides. This will help save the environment while also helping tobacco farmers increase their income.
·         Donating tobacco dust to fish pond owners - Mighty also donated tobacco dust,  a fish pond conditioner that protects local ponds from predators, to millions of fish pond owners and operators.

Mighty hopes to uplift the lives of millions of people nationwide. Through its CSR projects, the company aims to not only help the local farmers but to also help the economy and the country grow.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Mighty's CSR Projects Praised for its Cause

Renowned cigarette manufacturer Mighty Corp has been praised for prioritizing apostolic works and educational programs and projects.

According to a bishop, Mighty's CSR projects are of great help to millions of tobacco farmers and their children as well.

“The parents of these students are low-income farmers producing only for local consumption,” the bishop said. “So you can imagine the positive impact this kind of support has for them.”

“I’m quite happy about all these projects. It’s a big lift for our farmers, not only in La Union but also the whole of Northern Luzon,” He said. “This is something very beautiful as the hand tractors and
water pumps encourage our farmers to use modern methods of agriculture.” He added.

Mighty recently implemented these CSR projects in Luzon:

  • Increased purchase in tobacco. 
  • Granting scholarships to children of tobacco farmers.
  • Encouraging the use of Organic-based pesticides.
  • Donating equipments (hand tractors and irrigation pumps) to local farmers.
  • Assisting in the construction various churches. 
  • Donating tobacco dust (an effective fish pond conditioner)  to fish pond owners.

Mighty looks to expand their CSR projects, hoping to help uplift the lives of many more local farmers and while helping the local tobacco industry grow.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Mighty Corp. Implements CSR Projects in North and South Luzon

In line with their current expansion due to the implementation of the Sin Tax Law back in 2012, Mighty Corp. has developed projects that are part of their Corporate Social Responsibility. These projects are designed to uplift the lives of millions of tobacco farmers nationwide.
Mighty implemented these CSR projects in both the North and South parts of Luzon.
In their visit to the north, the company provided assurance to the tobacco farmers by increasing their tobacco purchase and purchasing low-grade tobacco leaves at very good prices. The company also aided these farmers by providing them with new machinery to help them be more efficient in their farms. The company also provided scholarships for children of local tobacco farmers in North Luzon.

In the south, the company assisted in the renovations of different historic churches damaged during the earthquake in 2013. This includes  Diocesan Shrine of Immaculate Conception Church in Naic, Cavite and the Basilica Minore of Our Lady of Piat Church in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Mighty Corp. Renovates Historic Churches

Showing their support for South Luzon, Mighty aids in the renovation of historic churches that took major damage due to the 2013 earthquake.
Some of these churches are  the  the Diocesan Shrine of Immaculate Conception Church in Naic, Cavite and the Basilica Minore of Our Lady of Piat Church in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.
To keep these churches alive, Mighty's foundation will be assisting in their renovation, mainly focusing on the roofs and ceilings.
“Churches are also symbols of strength and hope for Filipinos. To see a church survive earthquakes and other calamities can easily uplift the spirits of our people,” said the foundation's General Manager.
“The devastation brought about by the recent Visayas earthquake has firmed up our advocacy to build more churches and strengthen the Filipino faith.”
“However, we also understand that this is not enough. We have to make sure that the design and structure of these buildings, particularly the old and existing ones, are safe and resistant to calamities such as earthquakes,”He added.

The company has many more CSR projects to implement. These projects are designed to uplift the livelihood of millions of farmers nationwide while also helping the country grow.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Mighty Corp. Implements CSR Projects in North Luzon

In their visit to the north of Luzon, renowned cigarette manufacturer Mighty Corp. channels their support to all the local farmers whose lives are reliant on tobacco farms.

The company implemented various Corporate Social Responsibility Projects to help uplift the farmers' livelihood and their lives as well.

These projects are designed to aid the tobacco farmers while also helping the economy and the country grow.

CSR Projects implemented in North Luzon

  • Increasing Tobacco Purchase from local tobacco farmers - Mighty substantially increased their tobacco purchase from local farmers. This will help assure farmers that their crops will remain profitable in the market. This will also help the local farmers increase their income.
  • Granting Scholarships to children of local tobacco farmers - Mighty's foundation is granting scholorship grants and education assistance to children of tobacco farmers in North Luzon. Their foundation will grant educational scholarships for three sets of beneficiaries: the kids of company employees, the kids of non-employees who are deserving students and need help, and also for children of rural tobacco farmers who want to study agriculture in college.
  • Absorbing low-grade leaves at reasonable prices - As a way to assure the farmers that their crops will be profitable in the local market, Mighty purchased low-grade tobacco leaves from local farmers at very good prices, helping them increase their income.
  • Urging the use of Organic-based pesticides - Mighty urges the use of Organic-based pesticides instead of relying on chemical pesticides. This will help save the environment while also helping tobacco farmers increase their income.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Mighty Corp. aids North Luzon through CSR Projects

Hoping to uplift the local tobacco industry, Mighty Corp. targets the North with its various Corporate Social Responsibility projects.
In line with their recent expansion, the company implements various CSR projects designed to uplift the lives of millions of tobacco farmers, especially in the north.
The company starts off by assuring the local farmers that their crops have a place in the market. Mighty substantially increased their tobacco purchased and absorbed the farmers' low-grade leaves by purchasing them at very good prices. These helped the farmers increase their purchase.
The company also urges these farmers to start using organic-pesticides. This will not only help save the environment but will also increase the income of the local farmers. The company also provided the necessary equipment like like hand tractors and irrigation pumps to help the farmers be more efficient.
The company's foundation also granted scholarships for the children of the local farmers. Migthy's foundation grants educational scholarships for three sets of beneficiaries: the kids of company employees, the kids of non-employees who are deserving students and need help, and also for children of rural tobacco farmers who want to study agriculture in college.

Lastly, the company provided tobacco dust, an effective fish pond contioner, to local fish pond owners. This will help them control the predators present in their ponds, reducing the number of  snails and other fish pond predators. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mighty Corp. aids in Renovation of Historic Churches

Prioritizing apostolic works, Mighty Corp. assists in the renovation of historic churches in the country.
These churches were heavily damaged due to the massive earthquake in 2013.
In line with their Corporate Social Responsibility projects, the company shows their support for the local churches by aiding in the renovation of these historic churches. The company aided in the renovation of the churches ceilings and roofs.
These churches include country such as Diocesan Shrine of Immaculate Conception Church in Naic, Cavite and the Basilica Minore of Our Lady of Piat Church in Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.
“Churches are also symbols of strength and hope for Filipinos. To see a church survive earthquakes and other calamities can easily uplift the spirits of our people,” said the foundation's General Manager.
“The devastation brought about by the recent Visayas earthquake has firmed up our advocacy to build more churches and strengthen the Filipino faith.”
“However, we also understand that this is not enough. We have to make sure that the design and structure of these buildings, particularly the old and existing ones, are safe and resistant to calamities such as earthquakes,”He added.
Mighty has been assisting in the renovation of churches since 2009.

The company looks to expand their CSR projects even more and help more people nationwide.